Saturday, January 31, 2015

How "Feminism" Became a Dirty Word

I was inspired by this hilarious comic from Hark! A Vagrant
I love the term “Straw Feminist”. It perfectly articulates something that's always irritated me.

“Straw Feminism” refers to a perception of feminists that don’t actually exist. They’re exaggerated, vilified trope characters seen in terrible movies and TV. Unfortunately, it’s an insidious perception of feminism that has spilled over into the real world, inspiring ridiculous descriptions like “Feminazi”, which are then unjustly applied to anyone who has ever uttered the word “sexism”.

Straw Feminists are man-hating, bigoted and loud-mouthed. They are sexist. They see patriarchal injustice in literally everything. They use the word ‘rape’ to describe anything they see as a violation. They are women who genuinely believe that all men are underlings, and that the only way to put them in their place is to scream and shout about it.

I say these feminists don't exist because we cannot call these people/characters feminists.

They are so SO detrimental to the gender equality movement. They've turned it into something to scoff and roll your eyes at.

A common argument these days is that all feminists are of this breed. It's even been suggested that by identifying as feminists we are proving our misandry – that if we truly wanted equality for all, we would call ourselves ‘equalitarian’.

I disagree - it’s perfectly acceptable to narrow your battles down, to compartmentalize your goals. ‘Feminism’ doesn't have to be a dirty word. It means what it has always meant: “the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of the equality of the sexes.”

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